- Hotels & Lodging
- All Hotels & Lodging
- Bed & Breakfasts / Guesthouses
- Hotels & Motels
- RV Parks & Camping
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- Pet-Friendly
- Downtown
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- German
- Tex-Mex / Mexican
- Breakfast / Brunch
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- Wineries & Vineyards
- Breweries & Distilleries
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- Outdoors
- Enchanted Rock
- Wildflowers
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- Parks & Nature
- Trails
- Birding
- Stargazing
- Shopping
- Main Street
- Warehouse District
- Antiques
- Online
- Farmers Market
- Fredericksburg Trade Days
- Locally Made Shopping
- Museums & History
- National Museum of the Pacific War
- Lyndon B. Johnson State Park and Historic Site
- Pioneer Museum
- Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park
- Fredericksburg's Story
- Farms & Orchards
- Peaches
- Pecans
- Pumpkins
- Farms & Ranches
- Arts & Culture
- Art Galleries
- Performing Arts/Theater
- Live Music & Nightlife
- Live Music
- Bars
- Dancing
- Restaurants Open Late
- Breweries & Brewpubs
- Distilleries
- Things To Do With Kids
- Celebrate Special Occasions
- Spas & Wellness
- Golf
Downtown Fredericksburg, Texas is home to a variety of lodging options. From historic guesthouses & bed and breakfasts to modern AirB&Bs and unique accommodations found on VRBO, dozens of lodging options are located in downtown Fredericksburg.
When you stay in downtown Fredericksburg you can enjoy the convenience or night life of the town - with dozens of live music venues, restaurants & tasting rooms located just steps away.